Founded in 1981 when a major part of the Kingdom's infrastructure was completed and a great need for services and maintenance emerged. At that time, the Company took the initial steps for seeking international expertise in order to build its services on a firm and professional grounds.
Subsequently, the company achieved that goal by acquiring a selected set of service licenses from ServiceMASTER Company of the United States - a global market leader and has service licenses throughout the world.
Since then, we have gained tremendous experience and we enjoy the full support of ServiceMASTER at all levels: Managerial, Technical, Training as well as Research & Development Processes.
The organization has a comprehensive range of security and related services, which includes Guarding, Security Systems and Products, Cash Services, Ambulance Service, Fire Fighting, Training, Facility Management, Recruitment, Installation, Maintenance, Monitoring and Response Services.
The Group provides total security systems and services for clients across the world, including government departments, diplomatic missions, banks and financial institutions, the petroleum & chemicals sectors, aviation & transportation industries and a very wide range of commercial organizations.
Alfareeq is directly involved in the provision of primary security systems for many heads of state throughout Europe and elsewhere.
The company's unique standing in the world of security does not just result from its size or scale of operation; it is a reflection of the high quality and professional attitude of the security services provided.